
Lunch with Mathias Parker - 2024 Scholar

 Meeting With Our 2024 Scholar

On Friday, August 16th, our board members, Jeanette Aquino (secretary) and Charmaine Mayer, met with Mathias Parker and his parents at CheeseCake Factory at Queens Center Mall in the Elmhurst area of Queens, New York. 

It was a delight to finally meet our 2024 recipient and his wonderful parents.   Mathias' parents presence and support of Mathias was evident and Mathias was clearly an exceptional young man at first contact.  He was happy to learn that Charmaine will be his mentor for the next four years.  Thank you Charmaine for taking up double duties for our organization and Jeanette for coordinating this gathering.  

Welcome to our S.M.B.S. Inc. family Mathias and best wishes on your first year of college.   We can not wait to hear of your new journey.  

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