
Applications are due April 9, 2013 (Edited 4.8.2014)

Edit: Originally this post had said that the application was due on the 7th of April. It is actually due on the 9th. Sorry for any confusion.
 A gentle reminder that the Stephanie Marie Burgos Scholarship application is due next week, April 9th, 2013. 
    The scholarship will be awarded to one student selected by a committee after reviewing all applications. The minimum eligibility requirements are: 
·     A senior in good standing at a New York City public high school.
·     Minimum of 80% grade point average or equivalent;
·     Accepted by at least one accredited four-year college or university and planning to attend on a full-time basis.
·     Demonstrated financial need.
·     At least two of the following three criteria:
o     Overcame an academic challenge (includes a student with an Individualized Education Plan or significant academic gains over time).
o     Overcame social or emotional difficulties (e.g. a single parent household or a family suffering economic or circumstantial hardship).
o     Possess an interest in the fine or communication arts. 

  If you have any questions about the application process please e-mail us at SMBS2010@aol.com

-Richard Bohan
SMBS Web Editor

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