
2011 Update: Second Year Scholar, Richard Bohan

September 9, 2011


The last time I wrote to you I was a caterpillar, starved and craving for life experience -- my sustenance for the past two years.
I am not yet a butterfly; the metamorphosis into a full grown adult. Instead, I am enclosed in a cocoon, a chrysalis, composed with pieces of my education, my memories abroad in London, and the many friendships and connections that I have forged. It feels cozy in here, being a junior in College, but I know very soon the cocoon will shatter and I will have to test out those new wings of mine, riding into the real world.
But this cocoon, it’s not some safe haven. After all, no caterpillar stays the same as they incubate in their hard shells. They transform, just as I am transforming right now. And transformations can be painful, as we lose bits of ourselves and replace them with new ones, sorta like the shedding of skin.
it was tough being abroad, being so far from all the people I loved, but I had the most rewarding experience and I have to thank you for helping me in being able to realize my dreams.
The realization of dreams, it’s so important for every person. My only wish is that every person in the world had the opportunity to build their own sturdy cocoons, so that they can transform too. It’s because of people like you, people so generous and thoughtful; I know every recipient will be just as blessed as I am.


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