Board of Directors Meeting - Friday, September 11th 2015
"In remembrance of the innocent victims who lost their lives and in honor of the families they left behind, let us continue to answer these heinous acts by serving our communities, lifting the lives of our fellow citizens, and spreading the hope that others tried to dim that day". ~President Obama
Inspired by these words from our president, on the 13th anniversary of September 11th, we proceeded in conducting our annual meeting in honor of those lost that day.
The meeting was a productive one with eight directors in attendance and four proxies. Two former scholars, Christine Rivas (2008) and Richard Bohan (2009), where among those present. Thank you to them and the rest of the board members; Alexandria Agrinsoni, Diana Diaz Torres, Fanny Mera, Ashanti Rivera, Karen Texiera, and newest member, Kenny Lozano. Your time and dedication to the organization is what keeps the scholarship alive and growing. We want to thank former members who have officially resigned from the board this year; Roslyn Sternlieb (2008-2015) and James Carroll (2013-2015). Both were also outstanding secretaries in their own time. We will hopefully still see them at events.
Upcoming fundraising events include Family Bowling Event 2015 on Saturday, November 21st and Annual Holiday Raffle to be drawn on December 18th. You can get your tickets from any of our board members.
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