
Atlantic City Bus Trip Fundraiser 2013

Despite concerns with the weather, Saturday, August 10th was the perfect day for a bus ride to Atlantic City.  The trip, which included entertainment movies provided by our guests and light refreshments provided by our bus leader, Albert Gomez, was a comfortable and smooth ride without any traffic.  We did great time and were able to enjoy the full day.

Some of us enjoyed the board walk and beach, while others shopped until they dropped.  But, I think everyone took advantage of their $20 voucher to play at Trump Plaza.  Some were lucky not only to win a couple of bucks but most felt lucky to enjoy a great day out while supporting a great cause.  Besides we ended the day with being able to charge our phones, one of the super cool features of the bus, and some won some pretty cool raffle prizes.

With board members on board, Charmaine Mayers, Jessica Morales and Diana Diaz-Torres, the bus ride was a success raising a total of $1,190 in sold seats and $390 in direct donations to the organization to support the event. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and to those who contributed even though they were unable to attend.  Without your support we are nothing. 

God bless!

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